A Christian service agency helping Estes Valley residents in need, including the temporarily unemployed who receive short-term assistance, and the working poor or persons with low fixed incomes who receive ongoing services. Crossroads Ministry partners with numerous other agencies to maximize benefits to clients, and encourages self- sufficiency through educational opportunities.
All persons are treated equally no matter what — All are welcome who are in need.
Donate to Crossroads quickly and securely online. You may choose a program area or designate it to be used where needed most. We thank you for your generous support.
90% of the funds raised through the Red Kettles will stay in the Estes Valley to support the partnering agencies.
Dunraven at the Estes Park Resort
1700 Colorado Peaks Drive
Help make Thanksgiving a festive occasion for families in need through food and monetary donations.
Especially during covid-19, Estes Park, Colorado will find a way to come together and support those in need. Come Together online auction is happening on Saturday, November 14th at 5:00 pm.
Watch “Crossroad Ministry’s 2020 Come Together Auction” on Vimeo
Last year, 99 rent payments were made and 65 electric, gas and water utility bills were paid for Estes Valley neighbors in need.
128 children were given backpacks full of school supplies in 2022.
In 2022, Crossroads served 438 families comprising 599 adults and 282 children.
125 families in need received Christmas gifts through a partnership with Bright Christmas.
102,487 pounds of food were distributed to Estes Valley families in need last year.
Last year, 6,883 meals were delivered through Meals on Wheels program in the Estes Valley.
To alleviate the needs among persons in immediate crisis through Crossroad’s current programs and/or referrals to additional community services.
To stabilize an individual or family living situation on a short-term or ongoing basis through Crossroad’s current programs and referral to additional community services including strategic collaborative partnerships.
To assist an individual or family in reaching self-sufficiency or to lessen the need for assistance through money management and energy conservation training courses as well as one-on-one mentoring.
The impact of all programs is measured primarily by tracking the number of individuals and families who are successfully provided vital assistance as well as the percentage of individuals and families who successfully transition from needing assistance to a life style of self-sufficiency.