“In Kind” Gifts go directly to Crossroads clients. Families and individuals benefit from your generosity when you provide items that can’t be purchased through a food bank, or with food stamps. Examples of in-kind gifts include:
“In Kind” Gifts go directly to Crossroads clients. Families and individuals benefit from your generosity when you provide items that can’t be purchased through a food bank, or with food stamps. Examples of in-kind gifts include:
For more information on what we need and can use, please contact us at office.crossroadsep@gmail.com, or call (970) 577-0610.
Also, keep an eye on our Facebook page. This is the first place we post items that we need.
In-kind donations from local businesses may go directly to needy families and individuals, or may assist in the efficient operation of Crossroads Ministry. Each in-kind donation helps make our dollars go further.
Many area stores provide Crossroads with food for our clientele on a regular basis. Churches, service organizations, and school clubs also conduct food drives throughout the year. If your organization would like to make a contribution of food, contact Paula Foster, PantryMgn@crossroadsministryofep.org.
Other area businesses donate time and resources to building and grounds maintenance, development of a new client service database, website design, IT services, office equipment and furniture, food repackaging supplies, and regular mailings.