As a volunteer with Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc., I understand that while working at Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc., I will be exposed to conversations, information and situations of a personal and confidential nature. I understand that I am prohibited from disclosing to any person other than an official of Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc., any such information concerning people who come for assistance to the Crossroad’s office. This includes but is not limited to such information as their identification, personal information, description, and participation in various programs. By signing this agreement, I agree to keep confidential all such information referred to in this statement. I further understand that maintaining the utmost confidentiality in all situations and for all people is a requirement of my volunteer job, and that any breech of this agreement may result in immediate dismissal.
As a volunteer with Crossroads you will have interaction with many clients. Here at Crossroads we have many boundaries, policies, and procedures in place to provide the best possible environment, opportunity, and culture to serve our client needs. It is vital that our volunteers learn and follow all set boundaries, policies, and procedures to ensure we maintain standards of excellence, confidentiality, and respect for all of our clients, staff, and volunteers.
To ensure a safe environment for the participants we serve, all persons applying to serve as volunteer drivers for Estes Valley Meals on Wheels must agree to a comprehensive police background check administered by the Town of Estes Park, including release of personal driving record information. Additionally, proof of valid auto insurance must be included with this application.
Building Lasting Relationships